Mali trikovi kod mušičarenja 5.

Mali trikovi kod mušičarenja 5.

Tips-and-tricksMali trikovi kod mušičarenja 5.

Ovu su mali trikovi kod mušičarenja koje treba primenjivati i tako sebi boravak na vodi i mušičarenje učiniti komfornijim i uživati u njemu.

U petom nastavku ovog serijala dajemo tri praktična saveta, trika (ideje):

Kako iskoristiti spajalicu (zihernadlu) kao alat za Extend Body Using Foam, kako rastaviti dva dela štapa i obojite gornji deo mušice da je bolje vidite

Spajalica (zihernadla) kao alat za Extend Body Using Foam

Lepo i zihernadla može poslužiti kada se pravi telo od foama ili policelona za majske mušice ili kamenjarke.

Zihernadla web

Jednostavno je stavite u stegu i radite. Kasnije je samo sa stege skinete i zihernadlu zakočite, te je opet vratite u prsluk. Nekada vam može biti opet od pomoći.

…. (Autor: Vladan Milenković)

Kako rastaviti dva dela štapa koji se ne daju lako rastviti
Ever Have 2 Pieces of Your Flyrod that Won’t Come Apart? Use This Tip!

Svi smo imali sličnih problema, a što je štap iz više delova moguće je da bar jedan spoj neće da se rastavi. Evo rešenja uz objašnjenje.

Rastavljanje stapova web

Everyone has encountered a time where your rod will not come apart at the ferrules. After a hard day on the water we sometimes don’t have the energy to get those two pieces apart! By placing the rod behind your legs and gripping each side of the ferrules tightly with your hands, using your knees you can put outward pressure on the rod with your legs to easily dislodge the stubborn sections.
You can also team up with a fellow fisherman and each grip the rod with two hands while using a twisting motion, this should un-stick just about any rod.

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Obojite gornji deo mušice da je bolje vidite
Coloring your Flies Parachute Can Greatly Increase it’s Visibility

Kako uočiti mušicu na površini vode pri mušičarenju suvom mušicom, kada su svetlosni uslovi takvi da je ne vidite. Rešenje je u vodootpornom flomasteru u nekoj jarkoj boji, koji ćete lako uočiti. Bojite slobodno, jer riba gornji deo mušice (onaj nad vodom) ne vidi.

Bojenje musica web

Typically you are casting your flies into foam or bubbly feeding lanes because that is where the trout tend to lie, but what if your flies parachute is white and it looks exactly like the foam? That’s easy.. Paint it up! A quick color change of the parachute will make your fly very easy to distinguish from the white foam and bubbles it is floating amongst. I have never noticed fish to mind a colorful parachute, because it is out of the line of sight for the trout, besides.. if you can’t see your fly, you might as well not bother casting at the fish. My favorite color parachute is pink, it seems to be the easiest to see, but I do like orange and yellow as well. Keeping a set of markers on the river is always a good idea, just in case you need to change the color of flies to match the hatch.

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Priredio Ivan Korhner/OnlineMušičar

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