Mali trikovi kod mušičarenja 1.

Mali trikovi kod mušičarenja 1.


Mali trikovi kod mušičarenja 1.
Flyfishing Tricks and Tips

Ovu su mali trikovi kod mušičarenja koje treba primenjivati i tako sebi boravak na vodi i mušičarenje učiniti komfornijim i uživati u njemu.
U prvom nastavku ovog serijala dajemo tri trika (ideje): Kako nositi torbu preko ramena, kako napraviti vidljivi predvez i kako vezivati strimer s obe ruke.

Ostavljeno namerno na engleskom!

Sling Packs The Right Way
There is a right way and a wrong way to wear a sling pack, but some people mistakenly believe you can wear a sling over either shoulder. Sling packs are made for right-handed casters and are made to be worn over the right shoulder. That way, you can clasp the rod under your right armpit, and swing the bag from front to back on your left side without interfering with the rod, line, and fly. If you wear it on the left shoulder, the shoulder strap padding is in the wrong spot, the bag interferes with the rod, and the pack is upside down when it is on your back. Shawn Combs – The Orvis Company, Vermont. Illustration by Joe Mahler,


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“Sighters” are anything that you integrate into your leader to help you detect strikes when nymphing without a strike indicator. They can be made from materials such as braid or fluorocarbon, but high-visibility monofilament such as Stren Gold is my favorite because of its availability and low cost. In addition to the color’s inherent high visibility, the point of contrast between it and the regular leader material is easy to see.
You can increase contrast even more by marking bands on your sighter with a Sharpie. This really helps it jump out under a wide range of lighting conditions and backgrounds. Try experimenting with different colors of monofilament, or even combining different colors in your leader. A tippet ring allows you to attach fine-diameter tippet to your sighter (which is often 8- to 12-pound-test) and preserves the length of the sighter through many tippet changes. George Daniel – Lamar, Pennsylvania
Illustration by Joe Mahler,


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Zipper Pull
Some knots seem like they require another set of fingers. Two of my favorite knots to tie tippet to fly are the fisherman’s knot and Eugene bend knot, and both are easier to tie if you can use both hands to work the tag and standing lines without worrying about the fly. Other knots, such as the Kreh nonslip loop, are a lot easier to tighten if you can secure the fly and put tension on the standing line while pulling the tag tight with forceps or pliers. I learned the zipper pull from an old Art Scheck book and in lieu of a zipper, I often use the looped leg of a small black binder clip, which I can attach anywhere on my fanny pack or vest. Fred Cox – Oak Park, Illinois


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