World Flyfishing Championships 2014 . – video

World Flyfishing Championships 2014 . – video
Juzna Afrika otvaranje web
Reprezentacija Južne Afrike – ceremonija otvaranja

World Flyfishing Championships 2014. – video
Iz ugla reprezentacije Južne Afrike
Svetsko prvenstvo je održano u Češkoj republici

I recently competed in the 34th World Fly fishing Championships where South Africa did really well coming in at 12th Place from the 28 competing countries.
With all the help from the team mates and support back home I also fished super hard to get an Individual top 10 placing.

Tim sa vodicem Katka web
Tim Južne Afrike s vodičem Čehinjom – Katka Švagrova

Super Stoked!! Here is a short vid that I made during our practice sessions.


Christiaan Pretorius



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