Veevus konci

Veevus konci
Proizvod koji se pokazao i spada u jedan od najjačih konaca na svetu. Veliki izbor vrsta, jačina i boja! Proizvodi se u Danskoj, a proizvođač je Sead Cerić (Sejo). Najdeblji konac je 6/0, a najtanji 20/0.
Pored toga prodaju i alat za izradu mušica (makazice, pincete, …) sa oznakom Veevus.

These new products from Veevus Thread are nothing short of revolutionary! The breaking strength on Veevus threads is more than 2x stronger than comparable Uni-Thread or Danville products and offers less thread build-up for tying delicate or sparse flies. Seriously a game changer, you might find yourself giving away your old thread once you try these new products from Veevus! Many New Colors Available 10-20-12!
Veevus Stomach/Body Thread
Veevus Stomach/Body Thread works great when wanting to build up bodies, use thread for tags and general bulk. Thick enough for a “flossy tag” look on your salmon and steelhead flies. Bright colors for Steelhead and Salmon Patterns as well as the standard white and black.
If you use a bunch of lead base on your large flies use this thread to quickly cover the lead wraps and make a clean even body.
Veevus je najjači! …. Test u odnosu na ostale konce
Proizvodi ga moj prijatelj Sead Cerić iz Danske. Stanuje kilometar daleko od mene …
Dole je tabela nosivosti Veevusa u poređenju sa drugim koncima.
Uni 6/0 = ca 930g
Gudebrod 6/0 ca 920g
Danville 6/0 = 450g
Veevus 6/0 = preko 1kg
Uni 8/0 = around 450g
Gudebrod 8/0 ca 450g
Veevus 8/0 = ca 1kg
Gudebrod 10/0 ca 270g
Benecchi 10/0 = ca 680g
Veevus 10/0 = ca 800g
Benecchi 12/0 = ca 450g
Veevus 12/0 = ca 530g
Griffiths 14/0 = ca 450g
Veevus 14/0 = ca 520g
Danville 16/0 Spider Web = ca 141g
Veevus 16/0 = ca 430g
Poslao: Osman Ope Bejatović
Videti na sajtovima:
Prve probe pokazuju da je konac izvanredan, jak je i izdržljiv. Najtanji je 20/0. S njim možete praviti imitacije i na malim veličinama udica. Hvala puno za konce i alat!