


SBS: Sedgehog

Izvanredna imitacija odraslog kedisa-ženke koji ima hot spot na luku udice (zelene boje) koji imitira jajašca. Izuzetne plovne sposobnosti čine ovu imitaciju odličnim izborom.

Boje osnovnog konca, tela, krila i hotspota možete sami odabrati. Udice ravne preporuka od #10-16. Krila ove imitacije dobijate slaganjem jelenje ili srneće dlake, a između njih telo pravite od dabinga, koji sami odaberete. Vrhove dlaka pre postavljanja na imitaciju poravnajte u alatu hair stacker. Pre nošenja na vodu i upotrebe imitaciju raščešljajte!

Original sa foruma:

SBS: Bright Butt Sedgehog

High-tie wing like a Mikulak Sedge and Nelson's Caddis; don't know which fly came first but they're all pretty cool. Again, stacking the deer hair didn't give the effect I was looking for, so for tail and wing it's left “as-is” cut off the hide.

hook – Dai Riki 320 #12
thread – MFC 8/0 sand
butt – Uni-stretch bright green
tail/wing – deer hair
body – Zelon dubbing hydropsyche
hackle – ginger saddle

SBS Sedgehog

  • mash barb, start Uni-stretch, wrap halfway down bend and back up to barb; leave tag long
  • pull tag over butt, secure/trim, start thread
  • clean, measure (gap width past bend) a clump of deer hair; tie in/trim butts
  • dub thread/dub first section (make sure to take a wrap over the front of the wing)
  • clean, measure (tips to tail) another clump; tie in/trim
  • repeat dubbing
  • clean, measure (tips to previous wing); tie in/trim
  • repeat dubbing/winging sequence up the shank to about the 80% mark
  • rough the body up a bit
  • tie in hackle by tip

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Change colors to suit your needs.

IMG_8880_zpsuwiht2gk IMG_8899_zpsqpaedgii

Regards, Scott

Priredio za OnlineMušičar Ivan Korhner



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