SBS strimer za bucova

SBS strimer za bucova

Zdravo Ivane, evo ti SBS strimera za bucova, za koji si mi rekao da ti pošaljem. Imaju i slike i tekst s postupkom izrade korak po korak (StepByStep). Bistro!

Hellou Serbian and other fly fisherman, I want to share with you a fly for Aspius, that was presented to me 6 years ago by my German friend Holger Lachmann. He said then, that this fly works extremely well in the German rivers and the Aspius loves it. I was just starting fly tying these days and my first try to tie the fly was very disappointing, because I put too much materials and you all know that in fly tying less is always more. It looked more like a small fat Pike fly, than a slim minnow for Aspius. Second and third tries were also not very good, but acceptable. I haven't made more tries after that, because during the next years I fly fished almost only for Trout and from time to time for Pike. I fished for Aspius with spinning gear and lures. Since I fly fish, I always dreamed to catch Aspius on fly and this year I decided to take the challenge and started to work on it. Last month I started to tie flies for the summer and remembered about this fly. Now my technique and skills are better and I am very happy with the final result. Holger uses only Angel hair or UV Ice dubbing for the body, but I decided to tie 2 component body and to use coarser fibers for the fundament. I am sure that this fly will bring me my first Aspius on fly and can't wait for the summer to give it a try. I hope you like it and if you decide to tie it, I hope it brings you a lot of fish.

Here is the SBS, that I have made:

1&2. Materials for the fly:
Hook – Dohiku Streamer #2
Tail – Arctic Fox tail
Body – Pike Skinz (by Jerkbaitmania); Deadly Dazzle (by H2O); EP Mighty fibers; Hends Spectra dubbing 92; Niklaus Bauer Predator dubbing (Glow in the dark) and Letera's Magnum dubbing (Pearl)
Head – Senyo's Laser Dub (White&Light Olive)
Eyes – 5mm.

3 – When I tie the tail I put a drop of UV resin in the base of the tail, approximately 5mm, so it cannot tangle around the hook.

4 – These are the materials for the first part of the body.

5 – I blend all the long fibers together.

6 – I cut the fibers in 4 pieces and distribute the Spectra dubbing on top of them.

7 – The fibers and the dubbing are blend together and are ready to be put in dubbing loop.

8 – Then I prepare the dubbing loop and wax the thread.

9 – I distribute all the fibers in the dubbing loop.

10 – I spin the dubbing twister carefully and pick the trapped fibers with the bodkin.

11 – Then I wrap the fibers around the hook approximately 6-8mm. from the hook eye.

12 – After that I trim the fibers to form the shape of the body.

13 – These are the materials for the second part of the body.

14 – I prepare 2 small clumps from each dubbing and blend them together. 60-65% is Bauer Predator dubbing and 35-40% is Magnum dubbing. Then I put the clump on the top of the hook 50/50 to form a natural taper and to cover the fibers and the base of the tail.

15 – I split the other part of the clump in 2 parts and fold them back on the bottom of the hook shank and slightly to the sides to form the belly of the fly.

16 – The body of the fly is ready, now it's time for the head.

17- These are the materials for the head.

18 – 1 clump olive on the top and 1 clump white on the bottom, both tied 65/35.

19 – Second clump olive on the top and white on the bottom, both tied 60/40.

20 – Whip finish the fly and give it a good brush.

21 – I pull back all the fibers and put a rubber band, so I can stick the eyes on. I stick them with 5 minute epoxy. I also put very thin layer of epoxy on my fingers and slightly pull back the fibers of the head, to form a good shape and slightly to harden the head

22 – The fly is ready.

Regards from Bulgaria and bistro!

Veselin Spasov



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