SBS: MayFly nimfa
Nimfa majskih muha
Postoji mnogo načina za pravljenje nimfi majskih muha. Ovaj način nije jedinstven, ali vrlo koristan i dobar recept za većinu imitacija nimfi majskih muha. Dovoljno je podesiti boju i veličinu do željene vrste.
Udica: TMC 3769 veličina #12-16
Rep: patkovo perje
Abdomen: Fly-Rite Prirodni dabing
Wingcase: Crna Flexi traka
Noge: Jarebica
Thorax: SLF dub vjeverica crvenkasto smeđa
Izrada nimfe:
- Postavite konac i vezati nekoliko woodduck vlakana na kraju udice kao repić.
- Staviti nešto Fly-Rite dabing na konac i uradite tijelo
- Trbuh treba imati zašiljen oblik, od repa prema toraxu.
- Izrezati trake iz crne Flexi trake i pričvrstiti za pokrov preko toraxa
- Odaberite sivo pero jarebice i podići vlakana kao što je prikazano na slici.
- Dubing SLF koristiti za izradu toraxa
- Povucite traku pažljivo preko toraxa i pobrinite se da ne sklizne u stranu.
- Završiti sve čvorom kojeg osigurati lakom
- Isperci treba da oponašaju noge
Original: SBS: MayFly Nymph
Autor: Hakan Karsnaser (Håkan Karsnäser)
There are plenty of patterns to imitate mayfly nymphs. This pattern may not be unique, but a very useful and fishable model for most of the mayflies. Just adjust the color and size to the prefered species.
Hook: TMC 3769 size 12-16
Tail: Woodduck
Abdomen: Fly-Rite Natural dubbing Reddish Brown
Wingcase: Black Flexi-Body
Legs: Partridge
Thorax: SLF Squirrel dub Reddish Brown
Set the thread and tie in some woodduck fibres at the end of the shank.
Put some Fly-Rite dubbing on the thread and dub a firm thread and wind as abdomen.
The abdomen should have a tapered shape, getting thicker towards the thorax.
Cut out a strip from the black Flexi-Body and tie in in front of the abdomen.
Choose a grey Partridge feather and raise the fibres as shown at the picture. The shortest fibres should be the smae as the shank pr a bit shorter.
Tie in the hackle by the point in front of the flexi-body.
Dub the thread with SLF dubbing and make a nice thorax.
Pull the hackle carefully over the thorax and make sure it doesn’t slip down to the side.
Pull the flexi-body over the hackle and the thorax and tie in at the head.
Cut of the waste ends of the wingcase and hackle and make a neat head and finish the fly.
The hackle should imitate the legs pointing out from the thorax.
Autor: Hakan Karsnaser (Håkan Karsnäser)