SBS: Flexi Floss Buzzer
Fleksi Floss Buzzer SBS Napravio sam ovaj „korak po korak“ za svog prijatelja Juana, a ne zaboravljajući svog novijeg prijatelja Juan Antonia Plaza Rodrigueza – nadam se da ćete obojica razumeti. Ako ne postavite nijedno pitanje, razumeli ste, a ako postavite odgoviću vam!
Ovo je korak po korak za ovaj obrazac. Odsada ću fleksi floss nazvati elastičnim, jer mislim da će se reč bolje prevesti.
Sav materijal koji vam treba
Osnovni konac i udice koje ću koristiti za ovu imitaciju buzera
Izrada KorakPoKorak – SBS
1. Uhvatite konac
2. Zatim svežite u žicu i elastično. Samo nekoliko navoja niti dok nije učvršćeno
3. Jednom kada su žica i elastika sigurni, čvrsto povucite elastiku i počnite da omotavate nit s glatkim okretnim dodirima. Držite žicu i elastiku niz bok kuke.
4. I dalje čvrsto povlačenjem elastike dovedite konac u taj položaj.
5. Sad približite konac blizu oka udice. Opet podignite nit s glatkim okretnim dodirom. Ovde će biti parkirana nit. – **Nema više povratka i pokušavanja da pokrijete telo sa niti jer ste propustili područje – Trebali ste to učiniti prvi put!** Ovo će održati telo vitkim. Sada odvojite žicu i elastiku na glavi.
6. Sada zamotajte elastiku prema udici. Prvo se čvrsto povlačite, ali oslobađate napetost kako idete. Sedmi zaokret je važan! Namjestite ga prije točke udice. Ako ne shvatite da je to ispravno, učinite to ponovo.
7. Ako vidite ovde, sedmi zavoj je pre tačke udice. U svakom slučaju uzmite elastičnu glavu. Osigurajte nekoliko okreta i ureza.
8. Sada žicom pratite elastiku. Zaustavite se na sedmom zavoju.
9. Zato je važno sedmo. Sada znam da to nije uvek slučaj sa entomološke tačke gledišta. – Ali to je dobra referentna tačka i držaće vaše muhe doslednim
10. Dodajte narandžasti elastik. – Imajte na umu da narandžasta elastika je malo deblja od crne elastike.
11. Stavite žicu na glavu i osigurajte je sa nekoliko okreta. Zatim prekinite žicu.
12. Sada podignite narandžasti elastik. Imajte na umu da narandžu ne povlačite prejako, samo je postavite u položaj. Zatim se osigurajte.
13. Odrežite narandžasti elastik
14. Samo zavežite neke “dišne puteve” pomoću antronske pređe i odrežite nit.
15. 16.
17. Sviđa mi se što će “disanje” biti ovako … Kada radi U.V. smola / lak, nemojte žuriti da vam to oduzima vrijeme i napravite dobar posao, sa vrlo tankim premazima. Kada gledate četkicu pre nanošenja, pobrinite se da se četkica skoro osuši.
18. I ovde imamo gotovu imitaciju, pravi dogovor
Original: I have done this “Step-by-Step” for my friend Juan, and not forgetting my newer friend Juan Antonio Plaza Rodríguez – I hope you both understand it all. If not ask any questions, and I will do my best to answer
This is the step-by-step for this pattern. From here on I will refer to flexi floss as elastic , because I think the word will translate better.
All the materials you should need
The exact thread and hooks I will be using for this tie
1. Catch the thread one
2. Then tie in the wire and elastic. Just a few turns of the thread until it is secure
3. Once the wire and the elastic are secure, pull the elastic tightly and begin wrapping the thread with smooth touching turns. Keep the the wire and elastic down the side of the hook.
4. Still pulling tightly on the elastic bring the thread to about this position.
5. Now bring the thread to near the eye of the hook. Again bring the thread up with smooth touching turns. And this where the thread will be parked. – ** No more going back and trying to cover the body with the thread because you missed an area – You should have done it right first time!**. This is to keep the body slim. Now break off the wire and elastic at the head.
6. Now wrap the elastic up the hook. Firstly pulling tighty, but releasing the tension as you go. The seventh turn is important !. Position it just before the hook point. If you don't get it's placement right, do it again.
7. If you see here the seventh turn is before the hook point.
Anyway take elastic to the head. Secure with a few turns and trim.
8. Now follow the elastic with the wire. Stop at the seventh turn.
9. This is why the seventh is important.
Now, I know this is not always the case with these from an entomological point. – But it is a good reference point and it will keep your flies consistent
10. Add the orange elastic. — Note the Orange elastic is a bit THICKER than the black elastic.
11. Bring the wire to the head and secure with a few turns. Then break the wire off.
12. Now bring the Orange elastic up like so. Note, do not pull the orange too tight , just sort of place it into position. Then secure.
13. Trim the orange elastic
14. Just tie on some “breathers” like this using the antron yarn. and them trim your thread off.
15. 16.
17. I like the “breathers” to sit like this – but you can do it however makes you happy …….. When doing the U.V. resin / varnish , do not rush it take your time and do a good job, with just very thin coats. When you look at the brush before you apply it make sure the brush is almost dry.
18. And here we have the finished article, the real deal
and text: Richard Swoboda
Priredio za objavu Ivan Korhner