SBS: Buggy Grandis
Veliki kedis
Veliki leptiri, Ephemera vulgata, tek su se počeli izlegati na mom području i uslovili su da se riba počne njima hraniti. Veliki komadi takvoj hrani teško će reći ne – odoleti. Ali uskoro ćemo videti kako velike muhe kedisa trče po površini i čine ribu još besnijom. Kedis Phriganea grandis je masivan insekt, dug blizu 5cm, a već sam na nekim jezerima video prva rojenja tih muha. Zato je bolje da budete spremni i sebi napravite nekoliko.
Suva muha Streaking Caddis je vrlo dobra imitacija kadisa i dovoljno lagan za vezanje, ali hteo sam da vežem veliku muhu. Još uvek je jednostavno vezati i lebdi jednako dobro kao i SC. Kako znam da veliki izlaze u lov kad se izluče ovi kadisi, hteo sam da koristim izdržljivu udicu, ali ne pretešku. Ahrex FV570 / 571 je odlična udica za one zaista velike suve muhe, a kako počinje s veličinom 4, možete ih dobiti dovoljno velike za najveće muhe.
Original: The big mayflies, Ephemera vulgata, has just started to hatch in my area and that have set the fish to start rising. A big piece of food like that is difficult to say no to. But soon enough we will see the big caddis flies running on the surface and make the fish even more frenzy. Phryganea grandis is a massive insect, close to 5 cm long, and I've already seen the first flies in some lakes. So it's better to be prepared.
The fly Streaking Caddis is a very good imitation of the caddis and easy enough to tie, but I wanted to tie a more buggy fly. Still quite simple to tie and that floats as good as the SC. As I know the big ones come out to hunt when these caddis are hatching, I wanted to use a durable hook, but not too heavy. The Ahrex FW570/571 is a great hook for those really big dries and as it starts with size 4, you can get them big enough for the biggest flies.
Pripremanje krila za kedisa
Započinjem s krilima. Koristim
perje sa krila jarebice. Oni su malo duži od skočnih i stabljike pera su nešto
Uzmi po jedno perje sa svakog krila tako da dobiješ odgovarajući par.
Skinite pahuljicu i stavite kap tankog laka na perje. Zatim počnite povlačiti
perje prema vrhu prstima dok se lak osuši. Što više povučete, dulje i vitkije
postaće krilo.
Učinite isto s oba perja. Parovi krila spremni za vezanje.
Dobra je ideja pripremiti nekoliko parova istovremeno.
Original: I start with the wings for the fly. I'm using feathers from the partridge wing. They are bit longer than the hackles and the stems are bit thicker.
Take one feather from each wing so you get a matching pair.
Pull off the fluff and put a drop of thin varnish on the feather. Then start to pull the feather towards the tip while the varnish is drying. The harder you pull the longer änd slimmer the wing will become. Do the same with both feathers
Pairs of wings ready to tie in. It's a good idea to prepare several pairs at the same time.
Buggy Grandis materijal
Hook: Ahrex FW570/571 size 4-6
Thread: Veevus GSp 50D
Body: dun and sand CdC plus some brown seal's fur in a dubbing loop. Trimmed
Wing: brown CdC and 2 wing feathers from Partridge, varnished to right shape.
Head/thorax: Swiss CdC deer hair Italian style
Izrada korak po korak (StepByStep) – ostavljeno namerno na engleskom
1. Set the hook and the thread. make a loop with the thread and tie it in all the way back to the hook bend.
2. Take a small pinch of brown seal's fur and spread it out on top of a magic tool. I add this dubbing to the body as I want a buggy look.
3. Take to cdc feathers, one dun and one sand, and lay on top of the dubbing. Pull down the feathers through the gap.
4. Take the other clip and catch the fibres and dubbing and cut off the stems.
5. Put the cdc and dubbing in the loop and spin the loop. Wind the fibres and dubbing 2/3 of the shank and tie in.
6. Cut off the thread loop and trim the body to look as the picture.
7. Choose a nice, straight brown cdc feather and tie in as a underwing. Cut off the waste stem
8. The wings are tied in one at a time. Make sure the wing have the right length.
9. Tie in the other wing feather so they meet on top of the fly, building a roof over the underwing. Cut off the stems
10. Make another loop with the thread and make sure to cover the rest of the shank with the thread.
11. Take a clip and set some Italian style deer hair.
12. Cut off the hair and make sure they are as long as you want.
13. Put the hair in the loop and spin with a dubbing twister. Wind the hair towards the hook eye, stroking the hair backwards as the loop moves forward.
14. Make a small head and make a whip finish and cut off the thread. Start trimming the thorax by cutting off all hair on the underside of the shank.
15. Continue to trim the thorax so it looks nice and not too big.
16. A bunch of big ones ready to go!
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Text and photo: Håkan Karsnäser