Riblja staza na rijeci Savinji
Riblja staza na rijeci Savinji
Grušoveljski jez (brana) na Savinji
Obnovljena je jedna od još postojećih brana na rijeci Savinji. Grušoveljska brana (Grušoveljski jez) koja je duga 140m te je tako i najveći takav objekat na Savinji.
Njena istorija je duža od 200 godina, i za sve to vrijeme ona umiruje tok vode u rijeci, puni Grušoveljski kanal (strugo) i nudi odličan habitat (životni prostor) za brojne riblje vrste, vodene životinjice i mnoge druge životinje koje žive pored vode.
Brana se nalazi u mestu Grušovlje između Ljubnog ob Savinji i Mozirja te je tako i granica između Gornjesavinjskog ribolovnog okoliša, sa kojim upravlja RD Ljubno ob Savinji i Mozirskim ribolovnim okolišem, sa kojim upravlja RD Mozirje. Do obnove je ova brana bila prepreka te neprohodna za sve vodene organizme.
Sada je sa obnovom napravljena i riblja staza koja je vjerovatno i najefikasnija na području R. Slovenije tako da će staza ubuduće obezbjediti nesmetan prolaz svim vodenim životinjama, koje ne poznaju granice i prepreke. Kod predstavljanja i pregleda projekta su bili svi prisutni (Ministarstvo za okolinu i prostor, Direkcija RS za vode, Zavod za zaštitu prirode, RD LJubno, RD Mozirje i Savez RD Celje) izrazili veliko zadovoljstvo da se zadnjih godina posezanje u vodotoke izvodi planirano u skladu sa prirodom i sa dogovorom sa svim učesnicima za dobrobit prirode. Za ovako stanje i planirano posezanje u vodotoke te bolju komunikaciju među učesnicima su veliku ulogu odigrale i brojne žalbe R Društava i čuvara prirode Slovenije Evropskoj komisiji.
Lijep primjer čuvanja prirode i prirodnog bogatstva. Lijep pozdrav!!
Slaviša Guberinić
Fotografije: FB i Slaviša Guberinić
Sa FB tekst na engleskom o otvaranju riblje staze na Savinji
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Finally, the restoration of one of still existing dams on the river Savinja was done. The dam Grušoveljski dam is with its 140 metres of length, the largest type of this water object on the river Savinja, and has a history of over 200 years. Through the years it calms the water flow, ensures the supply of water for the stream Grušoveljska and provides an excellent habitat for many fish species, as well as other aquatic animals. The dam is at the same time the border between the Upper Savinja valley fishing district, which is managed by the Fishing club Ljubno ob Savinji and Mozirje fishing district, which is managed by Fishing club Mozirje. Until the reconstruction, the dam was impassable for all aquatic organisms. Together with reconstruction also the most appropriate fish ladder in Slovenia was build and its design will actually provide transitabilliy for all aquatic animals that do not know borders or barriers. On Monday 27.11.2017, the reconstructed dam was visited by the minister for the environment, Mrs. Majcen Irena, and among the guests that participated at the presentation of the project were also representatives of the Ministry of the Environment and spatial planning, the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for the environment, the Directorate of the RS for water, the Institute of the RS for nature conservation and the mayors of municipalities Ljubno and Rečica ob Savinji as well as the representatives of Fishing club Ljubno ob Savinji, Fishing club Mozirje and Regional fishing union. On this occasion we have expressed our satisfaction that interventions in waterbeds in our area are significantly more planned, more sustainable and are done with prior coordination of all stakeholders and are in the best interest of the nature. In addition to the good communication and preparedness of all involved in this kind of interventions, the improvement of the situation in the region is undoubtedly also result of numberous complaints to the European commission. This fact has also been presented to the minister and, in addition to public praise of all involved, we have once more exposed that we will persist in this matter also in the future, and we will use all available legal and all other resources in order to prevent degradation of streams and rivers in our region. We hope that these examples of good practice from our municipalities will also become constant in the entire Slovenian space. Last but not least, it is also necessary to express special public thanks to the head of the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for the environment Department of Savinja basin, Mrs. Zupančič Alenka with her co-workers, to the head of maintenance department of the company Nivo Eko d.d., Mr. Vogrinc Uroš and the projectant Mr. Jokanovič Saša for constructiveness to improve mutual cooperation and, in particular, situation on the ground, as well as to the representatives of the Regional department of Institute of the RS for nature conservation and the Fisheries institute of the RS.
Priredio IK
… jeste Slovenci i Austrijanci su bas Kulturna đubrad. Kod sebe ruse brane i prave riblje puteve, ali u 90% slucajeva novih brana po Bosni (Srb, MNE) su investitori upravo Slovenci i Austrijanci …