Ove 2023. će se na Neretvi održati 13. JPK – najava
Poštovani sportski ribolovci,
13. KUP JADRANSKO PODUNAVSKIH ZEMALJA U MUŠIČARENJU (FLYFISHING) 2023 će se održati na rijeci Neretvi u mjestu Glavatičevo od 09.06.2023. do 11.06.2023.godine. Organizator takmičenja je Sportsko riblovni savez Bosne i Hercegovine, a domaćini takmičenja su OSRKONJIC i Grad Konjic.
OSRKONJIC je već uveliko započeo sa organizacijom takmičenja, te ćemo u narednim danima objavljivati sve informacije, obavijesti i aktivnosti u vezi organizacije, a kako bi u najboljem svijetlu predstavili rijeku Neretvu, Grad Konjic, SRSBiH i OSRKONJIC.
Engl: Dear sports fishermen,
13. CUP OF ADRIATIC AND DANUBE COUNTRIES IN FLY FISHING 2023 will be held on the Neretva River in the village of Glavaticevo – City of Konjic, from June 9, 2023. until June 11, 2023.
The organizer of the competition is the Sports Fishing Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the hosts of the competition are OSRKONJIC and the City of Konjic.
OSRKONJIC has already begun the organization of the competition, and in the coming days we will publish all information, notices and activities related to the organization, in order to present the Neretva River, the City of Konjic, SRS BiH and OSRKONJIC in the best light.
Tight lines!!!
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