Mušičarski točak za alate i materijale
Mušičarski točak za alate i materijale
TyWheel The Complete Set Magnetic Fly Tying Vise Attachment Station
Interesantno rešenje postolja za alat i materijale koji vam trebaju tokom izrade imitacija.
Sve je koncipirano kao točak kojem možete dodavati ili skidati određene delove (4 komada) koji vam trebaju – vrlo lako, jer je veza i učvršćenje ostvareno magnetima. Sve dolazi lepo upakovano u kutiju, a vi po želji možete kombinovati i napraviti onako kako vam odgovara.
U sredini točka je ostavljeno mesto za stegu koja nije uključena u isporuku.
Original: The Wheel with FOUR attachments.
TyWheel's top and bottom surface provide a magnetically charged work surface to keep up with your hooks, beads, tools, finished flies, or any other tying material. This surface is magnetically charged from a precise layout of magnets within the product that allows you to easily add and remove the various attachments in any order that you desire. Every tyer has different preferences, and with TyWheel, the ability to customize your workstation has a whole new world of possibilities.
Features Include:
- Fits vise shafts up to 3/8”
- Magnetically charged surface
- Comes with the Spool, Shallow Tray, Tool, and Can Attachments
- Attachments magnetically connect to TyWheel system
- Keeps station handy and tidy
Cena je oko 150$ bez dostave!
Više na:
Priredio Ivan Koprhner
Fotografije: internet