Floating Eel

Floating Eel


Floating Eel
Imitacija jegulje

Interesantna imitacija jegulje koja se pravi bez korišćenja konca. Osnovni materijal je crni foam kružnog preseka. Rep (od crne dlake iz repa teleta) se jednostavno zalepi superlepkom u prethodno izbušenu rupicu u foamu. Komplet gotova imitacija se navuče na udicu i osigura superlepkom.

Ciljna grupa riba su basovi, mada i druge grabljive vole crnu boju – posebno štuka!


Target fish: black bass / sea-bass


Hook: size 4
Mounting thread: none
Body: tubolar black foam – Ø 5mm.
Tail: Black calf hair
Notes: insert the calf hair with the help of a needle, make sure to secure with a drop of super glue. Smear a small amount of super glue along the hook shank and from the head of the eel, slide the hook into the foam.

Preuzeto sa: http://www.euroflyangler.com/html/flybox/fly.php?id=1&type=2&TYING=0&fly=Floating%20eel&TY=0&fn=eel

Priredio: IK/OnlineMušičar



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