European Fly Fishing Championship in Montenegro – video

European Fly Fishing Championship in Montenegro – video

Od organizatora Evropskog prvenstva u Crnoj gori i predsednika Omara Bašića dobili smo dozvolu da objavimo na Online Mušičaru ovaj kratki video o prvenstvu.


Montenegro european fly fishing video:

Original sa Youtube kanala: The International Fly Fishing Federation, FIPS-Mouche, with the help of local fly fishing clubs, organized its 25th European Fly Fishing Competition in Northeastern Montenegro. Twenty countries including some of the best anglers in Europe participated in this European fly fishing competition.

For more info on fly fishing in Montenegro:…

For more info and pics about the competition:…

FIPS-Mouche Fly Fishing Federation:

Produkcija Meanderbug

Priredio Ivan Korhner



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