Eftteks 2016. Holandija – najava

Eftteks 2016. Holandija – najava

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Eftteks 2016. Holandija – najava

OnlineMušičar i urednik Ivan Korhner su dobili poziv da budu gost i član žirija na predstojećem Efttexu. Evropski ribolovački sajam EFTTEKS 35. po redu, će se održati u RAI Amsterdam, Holandija, od četvrtka 16. do subote 18. juna 2016.

Sa preko 200 izlagača iz više od 35 zemalja, EFTTEKS će prikazati trendove i nove proizvode za 2016/201 godinu. Sajam će dočekati kupce iz preko 70 zemalja.
Ovo je jedan od tri najvažnija dešavanja u industriji ribolova na svetu, i nemojte ga propustiti – posetite nas!

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The 35th European Fishing Tackle Trade Exhibition EFTTEX will be held at The Rai Amsterdam, The Netherlands, from Thursday 16th To Saturday 18th june 2016.

With over 200 exhibitors from over 35 countries, EFTTEX will showcase the trends and new products for 2016/2017. The show will welcome buyers from over 70 countries. This is one of the 3 top events in the industry worldwide and you cannot miss it.


This show is open to Trade Only and of course Press representatives are massively encouraged to come and report what will be hot in the future to their readers. Entrance is completely free for Press members. If you wish to attend just send an email to marisolpinillos@eftta.com.

You will be welcome in the Press Stand (AA23), where you will be able to have drinks & snacks free of charge while having a seat to chat with your colleagues. EFTTEX also provides a computer connected to the internet for you to use.

You are also invited to be part of the jury for the prestigious EFTTEX Best New Product Awards competition by visiting the Best New Product stand (AA38). As you may know, every year international press members judge the 17 categories of products in the competition. If you want to be part of the jury, just let Marisol know on the email address provided. The votes will take place on Thursday 16th  and Friday 17th (until noon) during the show on the Best New products Stand .

Thank you in advance for your time and your commitment to the industry.



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