Clouser Minnow

Clouser Minnow


Clouser Minnow

Strimer opšte namene kojim se mogu loviti sve vrste grabljivica u slatkim i slanim vodama. Prilagodite veličinu udice ribama koje želite loviti. Favorit boje su šartre/beli, sivo/beli, braon/beli, te celi beo i celi crn.

Udica: TMC 811S #2/0-6;
Konac: 3/0 ili 6/0 beli;
Oči: Obojene Lead Eyes, prilagođene udici;
Belly: beli Bucktail;
Flash: Gold Krystal Flash ili boja po izboru
Leđa: Šartre (Chartreuse) Bucktail;
Glava: Chartreuse konac

Pattern Description (namerno ostavljeno na engleskom)
The Clouser Minnow was invented by Bob Clouser as a smallmouth bass pattern. It imitates a baitfish as well as any pattern ever conceived and has taken more types of fish than any other pattern I know of.
I use Clousers for bonefish, bass, pike, trout and anything else that eats bait fish, which is everything! The lead eyes give the fly a jigging motion when retrieved and invert the fly so it doesn't snag on the bottom like other heavily weighted patterns. Don't overlook this pattern, it IS very simple but it really does work. It can be tied in a variety of color combinations.
My favorites are chartreuse and white, tan and white, brown and white, all white and all black but the range is only limited by your imagination.

Preuzeto sa: www.charliesflyboxinc



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