38th FIPS-Mouche WORLD Flyfishing Championship – najava

38th FIPS-Mouche WORLD Flyfishing Championship – najava

38th FIPS-Mouche WORLD Flyfishing Championship – najava

FIPS Mouche je izabrao Italiju, tačnije Trentino, za svoje 38. izdanje šampionata sveta u mušičarenju od 17. do 23. septembra 2018. godine.

U srcu Alpa, u izvanrednom okruženju u kojem je priroda prelepa, i sa preko 2000km vodotoka, gotovo 300 jezera i alpskih jezera, preko 800 kv.km prirodnih parkova, Trentino je spreman za dobrodošlicu mušičarima iz svih delova sveta.

Do sada se prijavilo 30 reprezentacija. S naših prostora tu će tu biti reprezentacije Srbije, Hrvatske, Slovenije, te Bosne i Hercegovine. Želimo im puno uspeha na takmičenju!

Regija Trentino u Italiji

Original: The FIPS Mouche has chosen Italy, and more precisely Trentino, for its 38th edition of the FIPS-Mouche World Fly Fishing Championship from 17th to 23rd September 2018.
In the heart of the Alps, in an exceptional environment where nature is the protagonist, and with over 2000 km of water streams, almost 300 lakes and alpine lakes, over 800 sq.Km of natural parks, Trentino is ready to welcome fishermen from all over Europe.

Trentino Fishing Guides! Promo video na: https://vimeo.com/254852427

Discover the competition sectors of the championship with the official and certified “Trentino Fishing Guides” who will take you in security to the championship sectors.

Terme di Comano – Dolomiti di Brenta tourist area, UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, has been selected as head quarter of the Championship thanks to its central location in the championship area.

Zvanični sajt: https://www.wffc2018.com/en

Priredio Ivan Korhner



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